A group must exist before a user can be added to that group. Several command-line tools are used to manage local group accounts. groupadd Creates Groups groupadd groupname without options uses the next available GID from the range specified in the /etc/login.defs file. The -g GID option is used to specify a specific GID. [student@serverX ~]$ sudo groupadd -g 5000 ateam Note Given the automatic creation of user private groups (GID 1000+), it is generally recommended to set aside a range of GID numbers to be used for supplementary groups. A higher range will avoid a collision with a system group (GID 0-999). The -r option will create a system group using a GID from the range of valid system GID numbers listed in the /etc/login.defs file. [student@serverX ~]$ sudo groupadd -r appusers groupmod Modifies Existing Groups The groupmod comm...