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Showing posts from October, 2017

overview of network security

We have to identify the confidential information that needs to be protected on the network. The necessary security policies and guidelines should be defined for the organization. There should be at least one outcomes and accomplishments for each security objectives in order to ensure we have to set the proper security policies within the organization.  The required Security technologies need to be defined in protecting the critical infrastructure of the network. Critical infrastructure refers to critical resources like data, servers, hosts, clients that need to be protected on the network There are various security risks and challenges that needs to be addressed on the network  There are always consequences that organization have to face of not implementing proper security infrastructure.  Companies have to support the development of various innovative solutions for securing future data on the network. Companies have to build some solution in order to avoid vari...

Network Intrusion Detection

Network Intrusion Detection A network-based Intrusion Detection (ID) manages the traffic on its network area as a source of data. It is generally achieved by placing the network interface card in the promiscuous mode in order to conquer all the network traffic, which crosses its network area. Both network-based and host-based ID sensors have the relevant pros and cons in the network. Network based ID sensors involves tracking packets on the networks for any vulnerabilities in the network. The network IDs can only track the packets that happen to travel within the defined network segment. Host based ID sensors tracks for any vulnerable packets flowing through various hosts in the network. It not only tracks vulnerability within hosts, but also keeps track of vulnerabilities of hosts connected to various networks. There are various detection techniques for detecting different intrusions on the network. The two most frequently used approaches of intrusion detection are: 1.Signa...

virual private network

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Data privacy is considered to be one of the most crucial aspects of securing the data over the network. Data privacy, is also known as Information Privacy. It is a part or subsidiary of information technology, which deals with the abilities of organisation or individual to determine the type of data to be shared on a computer system with the third parties. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one more important feature of data privacy. VPN plays a major role in protecting the privacy of data and communication channel on the network. Data privacy describes VPN techniques to keep the data safe on the network. Internet Protocol Security VPN (IPsec VPN): IP Sec defines a private communication channel in order to support secured business operations on the network. IP Sec fulfils the dream of sending information through the secured channel to remote servers anytime/anywhere to any recipient across the work. • Dynamic Multipoint VPN:  Dynamic M...

confidentiality, integrity, availability

network security feature: confidentiality: The process of maintaining the privacy of transactions from sources to destinations is called “Confidentiality.” Confidentiality talks about protecting the disclosing of information to unauthorized parties on the network. The information transferred from source to destination has some secret message which cannot be shared with unauthorized users. The most common technique adopted to keep the information confidential is the process of encryption. Encryption ensures that the message is secured with a private key and the original message will be in an unreadable format. So, everyone wishes to keep the information secret from diverse malicious activities on the network. Confidentiality is considered to be one of the primary factors of secured transactions between sources to the destination. The confidential information can contain any bank details, personal details, hospital details, government details, which needs to be protected from v...

computer cable

introduction to networking cables : Cabling :- transmission media make use of wires or cable in which signal are imprisoned to a specified path . there are different type of guided media, such as : Twisted pair cable this is most commonly used cable and is cheaper when compare to other cable . they are easy  to install ,lightweight and support several network  types. twisted pair cable are used to to transfer both analog and digital signals. it is mostly used in telephone network as well as within a building . these cable are less expensive when compared with other midia. twisted pair cable are further classified in two types , unshileded twisted pair cable and shielded twisted pair cable . unshielded twisted pair cable consist of two conductors. these conducter are made from copper and are conveted  with a palstic insulater to differentiet them from several other cable . shielded twisted pair cable consist of a metal foil used to cover the insulated condu...


Secure Shell (SSH):- SSH, also known as Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that provides administrators with a secure way to access a remote computer. SSH also refers to the suite of utilities that implement the protocol. Secure Shell provides strong  authentication and secure  encrypted  data communications between two computers connecting over an insecure network such as the Internet. SSH is widely used by network administrators for managing systems and applications remotely, allowing them to log in to another computer over a network, execute commands and move files from one computer to another SSH can refer both to the cryptography network protocol and to the suite of utilities that implement that protocol. SSH uses the client-server model, connecting a secure shell client application, the end at which the session is displayed, with an SSH server, the end at which the session runs. Apart from Microsoft Windows, SSH s...
